History of the Höllenblitz
The development of Magic Mountain into Höllenblitz
The Renoldi family has long entertained fair visitors with attractive rides. They have created the largest indoor roller coaster in the world, which has evolved over time and has therefore always remained attractive.
The latest technology and fantastic scenery have been adapted to the wishes of the passengers. A new era has begun with the new “Höllenblitz”: For the first time, there is a thematic total work of art with lots of action, the latest technology and a wonderful front scenery.

1992 to 1997

“Magic Mountain” was built by the famous roller coaster manufacturer Schwarzkopf from Münsterhausen. The company had to file for bankruptcy during construction. Without further ado, Klaus Renoldi finished the ride himself.
In 1992 the world's largest, transportable indoor roller coaster finally celebrated its premiere at the “Frankfurt Dippemess”.
The design at that time showed a fantastic scenery of flying dragons, devils and Medusa heads. The two talking, animated gorillas in the front entertained the enthusiastic audience – they were a real highlight.
Meanwhile, the passengers drove inside through the fantastic magic mountain and were entertained with plenty of action.

1998 to 2006

In 1998 there was a complete turnaround – away from the imaginative magic mountain with dragons and devils. It was the decade of space travel and space stories. Now only planets and stars in distant galaxies counted. Star Wars became a cult.
Again, the Renoldi family followed the trend of the times and created a gigantic space scenario – “Star World” was born. Based on “Star Wars”, the endless world of stars wowed visitors until 2006.
The large animated galactor in the front cannot be overlooked. He entertained the audience and talked about space, other planets and cultures.
And inside “Star World” the passengers themselves penetrated the infinite worlds - full of surprises and adventures.

from 2007

In 2007 a new idea was born: the “Höllenblitz” celebrated its premiere at the Stuttgart Spring Festival. With the “Höllenblitz” it goes back thematically to the mountain.
This time, however, it is not a magic mountain, but an old mine through which the passengers race at around 80 kilometres per hour. Breathtaking effects to the right and left.
Klaus Renoldi jr. was so impressed by the movie Indiana Jones that he wanted to implement the theme as an indoor roller coaster. After around two years of planning, it became a reality in 2007. Passengers are attracted by many loving details: At the front is the 300 square meter rock with a waterfall and numerous mountain huts.
Inside, fire, lasers, fog and water effects promise a breathtaking adventure. The intrepid old Rusty sits in the first gondola of the train and has an amusing chat with the mountain spirit Ötzi.